Useful Tips For Living In The Present Moment

Our lives are chaotic and busy, and oftentimes we are so focused on what was and will be that we forget to simply “just be.” Rather than focus on what is right before us, we ignore it and just like that, the moment is no more. The present is a gift and it’s happening right now. So instead of taking it for granted, let’s talk about some useful tips to help us take advantage of these special moments and learn to appreciate the small things that make our lives more meaningful, precious, and powerful.

Although we live in a world full of chaos, we can train ourselves to stop, and be present in the moments that mean the most by following a few simple steps. In doing so we may find harmony, that alignment of inner peace and tranquility, equipping us to take on the world. Now that we know it’s possible and greatly beneficial to be present, let’s take a look at a few great mindfulness tips that will help you regain balance and enjoy those precious moments.

Focus On Specific Actions Take some time to focus on a specific action. Stop everything you are doing and concentrate only on that one thing. This helps us to ground ourselves in the task at hand and to appreciate it for what it is, a simple moment in time, the here and now. Let’s think about a cup of coffee for example.

  • Make a cup of coffee and consider how it smells, does the aroma fill your nostrils and cause your mouth to water? What happens when you hold the cup in your hand? Pay attention to how warm the cup feels. Taste it. What happens when you finally take that first sip? Do you taste robust coffee flavors? Is it strong? How does it make you feel?
  • All goals, concerns, and objectives should leave your mind. By focusing on one action, you will finally be able to appreciate and enjoy the small, seemingly insignificant actions in life. You’ll feel calmer, more at peace, and more present to enjoy what really matters.

Unplug from Media Yes, screens are an integral part of our lives, however, we are forever checking our emails or social media platforms and are always connected in some way. It is a good idea to take some time to switch off our phones, tablets, and even television sets. Disconnecting for a short time allows us to focus on what’s going on now, in the present moment. Perhaps have coffee with a friend and engage in discussion, focusing on nothing but the conversation or the activity.

Go for a walk. A walk is one of the best ways to achieve a present-moment mindset. It helps us to clear our heads of unnecessary or intrusive thoughts and concerns for a short time. The World Health Organization has listed walking as one of its daily recommended activities, how much more beneficial would it be if we did so mindfully?

  • As you walk, consider where you are. Is it a familiar place? A new place that may need a little more exploration? How do you feel in this space?Notice how the ground feels beneath you and what the temperature of the air might be where you are walking.
  • Listen for the sounds of nature during your walk and isolate all other distractions. This allows tranquil, calming thoughts to fill your mind as you enjoy being outside and concerning yourself only with what is around you at a given moment in time, the present.

Practice Gratitude In our busy lives, we can sometimes forget to appreciate what we have. Remember to set time aside often to write, think about, or even record a list of things you appreciate. Gratitude is well known to enhance our mental well-being and is suggested to increase happiness, improve mood, and enhance sleep. Here are some simple things to consider for a gratitude practice.

  • Think about what you appreciate. For example, you might appreciate your family, friends, your job, or your house. Did you get to eat a good meal today? Did your vehicle start this morning? There are so many things to be grateful for, we simply have to take time to acknowledge our gratitude for all that we are and all that we have.
  • In addition to what we appreciate, we might also consider those things that bring us joy. Thinking about joyous times allows us to feel a sense of positivity, warmth, and excitement.

Consider The Senses Sometimes we take our senses for granted. The awesome abilities to smell, taste, hear, touch, and see help us to further experience the joys of life. The senses are so powerful and important and yet many of us don’t take the time to appreciate them.

  • As you go for a walk, take in the surroundings around you. Take ten minutes of your day to sit still. What do you hear? See? Smell? Do the smells evoke any taste in your mouth? What can you touch? What does it feel like? Is it prickly, hard, soft, or squishy? Take some time to consider the senses and appreciate the senses.
  • Allow yourself to clear your mind, thinking of nothing but how your body and senses are responding to the world around you. This will allow you to be present in the moment, to fully experience that moment.

By taking some time out of your day to be present, you will find yourself happier, calmer, and more grateful for the smaller parts of life. We could all learn to take a moment to stop, think, and enjoy every second of our day.

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